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City, Road, Street

Gove makes key Cambridge water decision

Cambridge North approved on appeal as water supply ruled a "neutral" issue in planning process

Text, Alphabet, Word

Revealed: the UK high streets expected to be hit hardest by rental auctions

Powers snuck into the levelling up and regeneration bill allow councils to take control of empty retail units

Field, Nature, Outdoors

Green belt can have shades of brown and grey, but keep the best bits golden

The success of Labour's "golden rules" will depend on how councils are empowered to grant permissions and allocate land

Latest Articles

Gove waters down leasehold reforms as Treasury mounts strong opposition

Millions of leaseholders to continue paying ground rent for up to 20 years

Lady, Person, Adult

Labour to create "grey belt" planning category to release green belt land

Labour will demand 50% affordable housing on sites that are released

City, Office Building, Building

Institutions and builders flood courts as remediation bills mount

Invasive surveys are finding more than just cladding problems. But where does the buck stop?

Gove puts brakes on London Wall West redevelopment plans

Secretary of state Michael Gove intervenes straight after planning approval was granted

Homes England review: agency should take more risk and make funding flexible

Report says agency should take more risks and needs more flexible funding, but falls short of criticism

Eton site that planned cable cars and flying taxis rejected on appeal

Gove denies “ultra-advanced multi-dimensional highly sustainable renewable energy park”