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Alloy Wheel, Car, Car Wheel

Segro buys €48m Dutch Tesla hub

The 36,500 property was put on the market earlier this year

Person, Sitting, Hardwood

Only the lonely: modern living demand soars among young and old

Why two target groups should make investors look more closely

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Tie, Accessories, Accessory

Q+A: Neil Slater on Redevco’s latest key hire, growth plans and debt opportunities

The CEO discusses redevelopment projects, the firm's proprietary book and attractive cities beyond Europe

Face, Head, Person

Redevco poaches Abrdn high-flyer to head investment management

New hire has more than 20 years of industry experience

Water, Waterfront, Neighborhood

Fattal Hotel Group snaps up €400m Dutch portfolio deal

Assets will be integrated into the Leonardo Hotels brand


Rotterdam emerges as most inclusive city in EMEA 

Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Glasgow and Madrid also perform strongly in Cushman’s ranking

Clothing, Apparel, Suit

Q+A: Savills Netherlands –"We're nowhere near the finishing line"

Co-head of logistics and industrial on interest rate cuts, ESG legislation and the need for more development